AdSense allows you to build a Hubpages to earn money with it. So you can write some articles that are specific to a topic, when your Hubpages is published, Google AdSense will appear beside your content. You need to be more specific about what you are writing about, that why keywords are very important.
Example, if you are writing about “How to make money online”, then your article should contain the keyword “money online” or “money” at least 6 or 7 times, so Google AdSense engine will recognize that the article is about “money online” and it shows some advertisements related to your articles.
Approval from Google AdSense
You need to get approved by Google to start making money with Google AdSense. If you are accepted to Google AdSense, when you login with your username and password, you should see the “Publisher ID” on the top-right corner of the screen. It will typically start with “pub-” and followed by a 16 digit number. This is the ID that you will use to fill in the Hubpages affiliate settings page.
You can apply with Google AdSense by your Hubpages (http://hubpages.com), but the best choice is to set up a free blog at Google’s Blogger (http://blogger.com) and post few articles for few days. Then you can apply for AdSense by providing the address of the blog that you have created (http://********.blogspot.com). Within a few days, you will get an “Accepted” email from Google. If you are not accepted into Google Adsense, then you might have provided them some wrong information or incomplete application.
After you get approved from Google, you can use your AdSense code for any other blog or a new website that you may start in the future. So you no need to re-apply every time for a new website. You need to copy the “AdSense for content” publisher ID from Google AdSense My Account page, and paste into your
Hubpage affiliate settings.
Hubpages will be automatically managed your AdSense Ads on your Hubpages and shows the most earning Ads for you. You will get 70% of the earnings and 30% goes to Hubpages. You can check your earnings by logging into Google AdSense account. If you have AdSense running on other blogs and websites, you can add a ‘url-channel’ with http://hubpages.com to track the Hubpages earnings.
Get Traffic to Hubpages
1. Title: Put an attractive, stunning and catchy title or headlines to attract human eyes.
2. Tags: Tags use to describe hub article. Tags are important, so don’t forget to describe your hub with many relevant tags. Find out from the other expert hubbers to learn how they use their tags.
3. Content: Google loves texts too much, so publish more quality articles with many texts.
4. Keyword: You should specify your keyword serveral times but do not stuff with keywords if you don’t want Google classify your article as a spam.
5. Traffic: You need plenty of traffic to earn much money with Hubpages. You can learn how to find huge traffic from “Build Web Traffic”.
6. Submitt URL: Submitting your Hubpages to search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Submit to Google: http://www.google.com/addurl/
Submit to Yahoo: https://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit
Submit to MSN: http://search.msn.com.sg/docs/submit.aspx
Original Article here
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