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A few years back, I entered into this kind of popular home based business here in America without any knowledge of network marketing advertising. When I joined my first network marketing company, I was so excited hoping that I was going to earn lots of money easily. Yeah, right!!! That was when I got a chance to attend the first Regional conference in a 5-star hotel! Wow! big time! It was full-packed, lots of presentations, and the top performers were recognized and awarded like celebrities. Everybody was clapping and cheering for the top performers! Actually, I felt some kind of being jealous and I told myself, on the next conference, I will be going up that stage also. I was so full of enthusiasm and dreams (was already thinking of my dream charity project) on my way back home.
I followed every single little instruction that my upline told me. And that was how I implemented my network marketing advertising strategy. I listed down all my friends, family, relatives of relatives, friends of friends and the list went on and on. I called them, went to their houses, sent them emails, sent them some brochures ( spent some money already to reproduce those brochures) all about the products, the company and compensation plan of course! After a few months, I began questioning myself! “Do they still like me? Did I do something wrong to them? Why after those efforts, nobody even tried to join me?” At least, two people in my list purchased my products and one signed up and stayed for a while- a little consolation though. Oh my God! My auto-ship is accumulating and not having any profit at all! Anyone out there who can relate to me?
I did not realize before that I could use the internet in my network marketing advertising. The only thing I remembered from my upline and those leaders who spoke during the conference was: this business opportunity is a relationship based marketing and you always go/talk to your list about this opportunity. I did that! But it did not work! My solution? I quit!
But before I knew it, I was already involved again in another network marketing company because I needed their product for my skin problem. So since I became a regular user of their products, I decided to pursue it as my part-time business. But this time, I did not follow what they asked me to do – a long list again?! Excuse me! It did not work for me and I don’t want to waste my time and money anymore. And most of all, I hate cold callings and chasing down people again. I can’t do that to my family and friends again.
Yes, I still have my old list but this time I didn’t want to use it. Instead, I went to search online and learned so many things about network marketing advertising. I haven‘t felt this dumb before! Why did I not use the internet for my network marketing advertising? Oh Duh!?
When I found out about online strategies in network marketing advertising, I realized what I was doing wrong in my approach before – “which was always pitching about my products and compensation plan as the best.” Well, that’s how I became successful in my pharmaceutical marketing career for 15 years. Wrong – network marketing is a diferent kind of marketing, period!
I did some more online research until I stumbled upon MLSP. You name every network marketing advertising strategy and MLSP has them all. I used some free strategies first because I didn’t want to lose lots of money again. But these free strategies are really time consuming – it was so hard for me as I was juggling my time between my family, work, plus a lot of errands and chores. I did it for a while and took it as a preparatory stage for my future network marketing advertising strategies online.
I kept on experimenting to find out what it can do for me and my business. Remember: advertising your products in the wrong place may very well cause more bad than good to your business.
I learned a lot from those free strategies and now I am ready to use some budget for the next. I have to accept the fact that network marketing advertising costs money, yes, but how else are you going to get a business network going, or promote a product without it?
Network marketing advertising is an investment and the right strategy should be chosen wisely and monitored for effectiveness regularly. But be very careful, it is also an easy way to lose a lot of money with ineffective advertising!
Network marketing advertising is very crucial to your business’s success, just as if you were to have a high street shop. Unfortunately there are so many selections online, you are probably aware that there are already over 100 million web sites in existence, many billions of ad advertisements for every product under the sun, and unless you’ve got a product that’s completely unique, there’ll be masses of other enterprises with far more funds to spend than you do. Oh No! How can I compete with them?
If you haven’t already put aside a budget for your network marketing advertising you must do so immediately, and figure out realistically how much you are able to afford on a once per month basis and do not go over that amount. If you realize that your advertising in a certain area is bringing results, you can always raise your budget later on.
If you haven’t done any network marketing advertsing using the internet and have a tiny budget, there are numerous techniques of advertising for free online. A number of these are absolutely useless and others may bring you fabulous results. However when you find that a method you are using does not bring results, drop it and move on.
An ideal network marketing advertising that can surely help you to take your business to the next level is the one that can do the following for you and your business:
1. It should be bringing you a flood of leads
2. It is going to be a medium for you to advertise your service or product
3. It will be a technique for branding your company and growing brand awareness
4. It should be a way for you to effectively and potentially close sales.
Word-of-mouth is by far the cheapest and most effective free advertising, if you can create a buzz about your product it can be seriously lucrative, how you’d do this will rely on you. Unfortunately, it did not work for me as I was starting a new life here in America.
Don’t expect to go on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites and make one or two posts saying your brand is the best, or buy one of these, because you’ll be un-Tweeted and ignored or you will be spammed.
Nor should you post on Twitter every few minutes ; you need to put up a following before even discussing what you are providing. You wouldn’t do it at a cocktail party, so do not do it on social media sites, blogs or forums either.
Just like a party where nearly everyone seems to be a stranger to you, you must build relations and trust before you try and pitch your product.
You may also need to depend on others to offer you referrals, and again, this comes thru social interaction, both offline and online.
It is essential you build a relationship with that person first. Leads are valuable, and no one is going to reach in his pocket if he does not know anything about you!
Direct mail programs are pretty much old hat nowadays, but still work best if you’re a local bricks and mortar enterprise or service, then direct mail is extremely effective.
What a lot of small business owners don’t understand though, is list building; a lot of info can be gathered from direct mailing, although it has got a very poor response number and is expensive.
There’s a lot of psychology in selling and if you do not know the basics of network marketing advertising, maybe you want to find out more about it?
MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) is one of the most reliable marketing systems to have come on the market recently. This is where I learned about network marketing advertising -” how to do it right.” It gives you handy information on all aspects of network marketing, so that you can generate pre-qualified leads effectively, and it also covers network marketing advertising. It is written in a way that newbies as well as those struggling network marketers can understand.
If Your Upline is Still Using the Old School that Doesn’t Work for You,
What You Need is A Real Step by Step Formula
on How To Generate Your Own Leads Using the Internet
in Your Network Marketing Advertising.
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Thank You for taking the time to read this article.
Be sure to always check out this blog; http://myleadsystemthatworks.com for more Success Tips for your online network marketing business.
Lina von Frausing-Borch
Email: linavon@myleadsystemthatworks.com
Tel: 805-478-1109
Websites: http://myleadsystemthatworks.com
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Tagged as: direct sales advertising, home based business advertising, internet marketing advertising, network marketing advertising ideas, network marketing advetising
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