Friday, May 18, 2012

Ways To Start An Internet Marketing Home Based Business

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If you are thinking of starting your own internet marketing home based business but you don’t have any idea on where and how to begin, you can get some tips from this post.  This is not only for the beginners but also for those of you who already have an online business and would like to find and connect the missing link in order to take your business to the next level.

Some of you maybe like in my situation before when I started getting tired of the corporate job. I was in a big corporate world (for 15 years) before and I thought I could stay there long until age 60. Oh No! I was wrong. A lot of big and not so good changes happened in the company that made me (and almost all of my co-workers) unhappy until I quit. I quit because that was not fair for me and for that company if I could not give my 100% commitment anymore because of being unhappy specially during the last year of my stay there.
Honestly, I didn’t realize the beauty and the benefits of having your own internet marketing home based business until I was already enjoying it – I mean both financial and time freedom and of course – the wonderful feeling of being your own boss.

Anyway… going back to our topic here… There are so many ways to start your own internet marketing home based business. 

1.  Having your own website and selling your own products and services or selling other people’s products through drop shipping (suppliers’/wholesalers’ products).  In my experience, this was so risky if you don’t know what you are doing and it was very time consuming because I was doing everything: website, all the research, customer service, shipping, and all the correspondence. Did I pursue it? Nope! Because it was not worth it. But I learned a lot.

2.  Affiliate Marketing. This one is so popular because it is so easy to start with it even if you don’t have a budget. Well, I did tried it for one time to gain more experience.  It’s really so easy to get started with it but making it successful is a different story.  You need also to invest a lot in training to learn the effective marketing strategies to make it successful.

3.  Information Marketing.  This has become so popular too specially with the ebooks, mp3’s and videos. The challenge in information marketing is that you need to make sure there is a good demand and you know your target market, and it should be a niche market also.

4.  Content Marketing.  A lot of internet marketers are amassing huge success in their internet network marketing home based business by focusing on content marketing which can be done in different ways such as the following:

   Article Marketing
Video Marketing (i.e., YouTube)
Having a large website containing valuable contents and information that can solve other people’s problems
Social Media Marketing

5.  Ebay – A lot of people started their internet marketing home based business through Ebay. Others have made it as a full-time job while others just preferred it as a side job for extra income.

6.  Membership Websites
7.  Freelancing and Other Services
8. Network Marketing. This is the element that an online business should have if you want the kind of leverage that creates true residual income and time freedom.

Whatever way you choose, always remember that there are two variables that play an important role in any internet marketing home based business.  These two variables are (1) Time and (2) Money (or budget).
If you don’t have enough budget to advertise online, you can use your time productively by learning and implementing free online marketing strategies. And you really need to put a lot of time and work into it so they will work for you too. On the other hand, if you have no time but you have some budget for your business, you can utilize outsourcing strategies.

But….whether you have time or money or both, do not ever attempt to start any internet marketing home based business until you understand these:

1.  Demand. What product or service are you going to sell? Have you done sufficient research if it has a high demand or if the demand for that product or service will be still increasing in the next 5-10 years?

2.  Target Market.  Do you know who is your target market? Does your target your target market have a positive trend in the coming years? Whether you are just starting or not, researching the right target market is very hard and challenging.

3.  Personal Branding.  The competition in  internet marketing is very tough. What ever method you choose ( such as affiliate marketing, network marketing, etc.) eventually you would want to build a brand for yourself online. You will need to invest in a lot of trainings to learn those marketing strategies that can help you in your personal branding.

4.  Traffic Generation.  This is one of the greatest challenges in internet marketing home based business. No matter how fancy is your website, if you are not generating enough traffic, it is useless. You will need to learn and apply a lot of marketing strategies not only on how to generate traffic but also on how to convert at least some of your traffic to leads, then leads to buying customers. 

5.  Building Your List and How to Take Care of Your List.  You will need to learn first the principles of attraction marketing and apply it to your internet marketing home based business so you can build your list for long-term business.

6.  Conversion Strategies.  Focusing on strategies that increase your conversion rates can make your profits multiply.

One sure way that can help you make money online while you are building your internet marketing business is having the right marketing system in place, like MLSP. This is the secret of the world’s top earners in affiliate marketing and network marketing or direct sales.

I hope you were able to get some ideas from this article.  Now you are on your way to start your own internet network marketing home based business.
If you are still confused and have no idea how to start it right to have your online home based business, watch this video or click the red banner below.  Or if you already have an existing internet network marketing home based business and would like to take it to the next level, find what’s the missing link in your business by clicking the banner below.

Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Be sure to always check out this site, for more Success Tips from the Top Earners for your Online Network Marketing Business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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