Thursday, May 10, 2012

How To Promote A Start Up Band With A Website


If you’re a small start up band or even if you’re a solo artist, getting your name out there and being recognized is tough.

You have to market yourself just like any business.

Now, there are a variety of ways to do this if you’re on a budget, which I’m sure you are. If you’re classifying yourself as a start up band, then odds are you have very little money in your bank account to promote your music.

No problem, personal promotion is easy if you have the one piece of the puzzle that will act as a catalyst through out this whole process, and that is great music and real talent.

If you have great music and real talent, then the following items are three things you will need to have in place for what will become your growing fan base in the coming years.

1) Your Own YouTube Channel. Your own YouTube channel is an absolute must if people are going to see you perform and hear your music.

The really great thing about YouTube is the fact that uploaded videos are hosted on Google’s servers for free, so you never have to pay for hosting or bandwidth and considering how much bandwidth streaming video uses and that is very generous of them.

2) A Facebook Fan Page. Facebook continues to be the social media stronghold for the time being. If you are looking to promote your band and interact with your fan base, Facebook is where many will look you or your band up.

Additionally, you can interact with fans being that Facebook is a social media platform. Interaction is key, especially when building enthusiasm about your music. Fans love to be able to interact with the artists that they follow, and interaction builds loyalty.

3) Your Own Website. As much potential as there is with YouTube and Facebook in terms of visibility and traffic, nothing bespeaks the seriousness with which you take your music and the level of professionalism with which you pursue your music like your own website.

Having your own website gives you a staging area from which to launch your own personal marketing campaign. Your YouTube and Facebook accounts should be set up so as to funnel traffic and fans to your “Official” band website.

An “Official” band website would need to have to following:

A “Home Page” that contains the latest and greatest information about the band, such as updates, schedules, recent appearances and anything related to up-to-date information about the band. The site would essentially contain a web log of your activity on the front page.An “About Us” page that perhaps lists out all of the band members as well as their role in the band and a great looking picture of each member taken from their “good side”. Each excerpt should tell a little bit about the member it references such as where they are from and how they entered into the music scene. Fans love this type of stuff. Additionally, the “About Us” page would need to have the story telling how the band got together in the first place as well as their successes and failures. Keep it real.An “Our Music” page where fans can go and listen to their music. This page would simply have all of their YouTube videos embeded in it so that the fans could watch the videos on the “Official Web Site”. Fans love this. Some bands may choose to put each video on its own page on the site and enable comments so that fans could leave messages of appreciation or the like. Music executives are impressed by these types of things. Remember activity reveals enthusiasm about the music and this enthusiasm need to be understood and noticed by potential executives.A “Contact Us” page that makes it easy for executives to get in touch with you. If they can’t get in touch with you, how can you ever expect to break out? This one’s a “no brainer”.

To be totally honest, there is much more to promoting a band. This is just the start. Remember, you will need your own YouTube channel, a Facebook Fan Page, and you own website. The only problem with a website is there are technical challenges involved and they can cost thousands to build and promote depending on how far you want to take things. However, if you adventurous, you can always learn how to do this yourself using: “The Beginners Guide To Launching, Optimizing, And Promoting A Small Business Website“, which is essentially what your band is, your own small business, so you need to treat it like a business and get serious.

View the original article here


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