Monday, June 11, 2012

What Gravity Really Is – 2012 Theoretical Physics Predictions – Post Higgs


It is an odd thing that one finds, with respect to just about any subject, in that the truth of any matter is commonly cloaked behind an array of terminology built around different or differing viewpoints.

In the world of science and even theoretical physics, this same phenomenon holds true and pervades (as well as interferes with) understanding. For this reason, I have learned that building an understanding of any subject from the viewpoint of one person carries with it “prejudices”, “hopes”, and “biases”.

With that in mind, the truth of any subject matter can eventually be revealed if enough dimensionality and uniqueness are part of the overall equation.

Terminology, I have found, is “key to understanding” and understanding is “key to advancement” in addition to a “relaxed” and “open” mind.

For that reason, as you read the rest of this small report, I strongly suggest that you get yourself a strong alcoholic drink and get comfortable because, I am about to give you a crash course in the physics of both deep space-time and beyond and I need you relaxed.

By the time you are done reading this (even as short as it is), the line between science and philosophy will begin to blur considerably. So just stay stay calm and stay the course and you will be fine.

If you have your drink, go ahead and drink it (all of it) and then let’s begin.

Interestingly, there is a certain “assumption” that is fundamental with respect to our current “belief” of what “exactly” gravity is.

Since the days of Sir Isaac Newton, humanity has referred to the force of gravity as one of “attraction” or one that “draws” “massive objects” together. Such a viewpoint, as you will see, although true to appearance, is “misleading” at best. To understand the true nature of gravity, one really needs to have a solid handle on a variety of abstract concepts: Time-Space, Time-Space Fabric, the Beginning of Time-Space, General Relativity, Mass as Information, Dark Energy, Wave Functions, The Higgs Boson, The Higgs Field, Frequency and Amplitude Modulation, plus a few more. Don’t worry, I am going to build this argument in your mind from the ground up using simple illustrations.

Whether you realize it or not, empty space is something. The “absense of something” is in itself “something”, namely, “the absense of something” (thanks Nico).

Confused? Don’t be. “The absense of something” simply means that “the something” that really “is” there is “something” that you just can’t see. But, just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean that it is not there. Got it? Good.

Whenever you look into outer space, it may appear “empty” between the planets and stars and in areas where there is no “gas” or “dust”. Rest assured, however, that there is indeed something there. There is still some “medium” through which “information” travels in many different forms such as “ultraviolet radiation” or perhaps a “magnetic field”. Both of the aforementioned examples are forms of “information relay” that attests to “something” being where there is seemingly “nothing”.

The “something” that is there that is “allowing transport” to this “information” is what some have called the “fabric of space-time” (or time-space, whichever you prefer).

The fabric of time-space is a fundamental concept with respect to the “reality” that YOU are aware of.

Thinking of time-space in the terms of a three-dimensional “fabric” will prove to be very useful as we proceed to the answer the question: What is gravity?

Now it should be noted that there are a few terms being used to describe this phenomenon in scientific reference such as: “time-space”, “time-space fabric”, and “the Higgs field”. Although the Higgs field is referred to in a slightly different way, more as a “property of time-space” referred to as “dark energy” in retrospect, the two concepts, as you will see are almost completely interchangeable.

That being said, the below illustration is a representation of the three dimensions of “space” that we are familiar with. These three spatial coordinates form the “reality” that we are familiar with and that we move around in. Understanding the fact that “matter” or “mass” or “mass-energy” (from galaxy super-clusters down to sub-atomic particles and even the “quantum foam”) moves around within this framework in relation to itself gives the “perception” of “linear time”.

Now, imagine that the distance of each coordinate above (X, Y, and Z) were all the same distance from the origin, namely, the Planck length, or the distance at which the force of gravity becomes strong.

That distance is thought to be about 16.162 x 10^-36 meters, an unimaginably small number. In other words the representation above would be so small that we simply could never see it because it is smaller than even atoms being that the “nuclei” of atoms are “built” from a framework at this scale.

“Time-space” or the “three dimensional fabric of time-space” would therefore appear like this: See PDF below…

As you can see, we now have a three dimensional fabric built from the three coordinates assigned above. As far as we know, this fabric extends beyond the edges of our universe indefinitely and could even contain perpendicular (very different) or parallel (very similar) universes to our own.

In a very odd way, parallel or perpendicular universes under this model could even exist in the exact same three dimensional space and never even be aware of each others other than interaction through each others gravitational forces. Confused? Don’t be. Let me show you what it would look like.

As you can see in the illustration above, there are “two sets” of three dimensional spatial coordinates. We have f(x, y, z) and f(x’, y’, z’). Noteworthy is the fact that these can be based around two differing fundamental units of length.

F(x, y, z) can be based around the Plank length of our universe: 16.162 x 10^-36 meters. F(x’, y’, z’) could then be based around a Plank’ length of some other distance such as: 16.162 x 10^-33 meters…

What effect would this have on these two universes? Simple. They simply wouldn’t see each other even if they both had the same origin. Mass-energy in the form of wave functions could exist in the exact same place in both universes and not interact at all other than through warping of the fabric (a.k.a. gravity).

This exact same principle allows us to have multiple radio stations and things like broadband cable.

(Side Note: If one could transpose the wave information that makes up their mass-energy to the Plank length of the universe of Plank’, then they could easily (theoretically) travel faster then the speed of light (by several orders of magnitude depending on what Plank length they chose: Plank’, Plank”, Plank”’) even possibly with conventional thrust in a universe with a Plank length of 10^3 (for example) longer than ours…think about how tsunamis travel faster than traditional waves through the ocean.)

It is interesting to note that the aforementioned scenario requires the following 10 space-time dimensions all sharing the same time-space fabric: Point of Origin, X, Y, Z, Time, Point of Origin’, X’, Y’, Z’, Time’

Congratulations! You are now a multi-verse theorist! Weird, huh? How does it feel? Let’s continue.

Now that we understand that the fabric of the “massless-space-time” universe is made up of three spatial coordinates we can now add to it a fundamental and necessary component or property, Einstein’s “dark energy” or the “Higgs Field” as it is now called by some being that Peter Higgs decided to rename it after himself for some strange reason and we all went with it. What?!?

“Dark energy” or the “Higgs Field” is simply a fundamental wave function introduced into the fabric of time space that is spread evenly through out, or at least before mass-energy is introduced.

Wave energy, if it were added to the three dimensional time-space fabric above would end up looking like this: See PDF below…

This “dark energy” (or “Higgs Field”) enhanced time-space fabric is the fabric into which new information can now be injected so as to form “mass” or “mass-energy” as we recognize it.

Interestingly, the fact that the “dark energy” of the “Higgs field” (the fundamental unit of which is the “Higgs Boson” or a single unit of “dark energy” which can be mathematically related to the cosmological constant) pervades the time-space fabric introduces a very important quality to it, that being the fact that it (time-space fabric) is flexible and stretchable (thanks to the “dark energy/Higgs field/Higgs Boson”), a revelation that Albert Einstein helped us all to appreciate the necessity and importance of in the terms of general relativity. Keep reading.

If you haven’t realized it by now, it should be noted that both the fabric of time-space and the dark “wave energy” that filled it PRECEDED the universe that we know and love.

It wasn’t until “some event” (roughly 13.75 billion years ago in terms of “linear time” as we understand it) injected with “unprecedented magnitude” “information” into the “fabric” of time-space itself.

Fortunately for us, the “fabric of time-space” was “tough enough” to withstand that “injection” of “information in the form of mathematically reducible wave functions” in the form of a singularity around the order of a Plank length, assuming it was injected as a singularity.

Additionally, we are also fortunate that time-space was flexible and stretchable enough and there was enough “slack” in the fabric itself (thanks to “dark energy”) to assist in the “prevention” of any potential “tearing or ripping” of the fabric itself when this new “super pack” of information was forcefully injected into the fabric. A big “bang” (for lack of a better “cave man physics” term) of sorts or an explosion of new information that would expand rapidly and eventually cool and mathematically express itself in the form of the fundamental building blocks of matter or “mass-energy” as we know it. It would have looked something like this:

As you can see, time-space was, for a brief instant, a super-hot tangled mess (or at least we would have recognized it as such). Then it expanded and cooled.

Now, the effect(s) of gravity as we understand it has/have been very successfully calculated by Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein (and an effect known as “gravitational lensing” where light bends around massive objects) specifically made us aware of the fact that the fabric of time-space was flexible or stretchable with his theory of “General Relativity” which helped us to understand the fact that time-space can stretch (or change in density when viewed in three dimensional terms).

When a massive object moves through the fabric of time-space what is really happening is “information in the form of wave functions” is simply moving through the fabric itself.

A very simple analogy is a wave moving through the open sea far from shore. The water moves up and down as the wave passes by, but what is really moving along is the energy or information. The water itself actually stays in the same general area. The same is true with “mass” or “matter” or “mass-energy” as it is traditionally understood. It is simply information moving through the fabric of time-space, just as waves move through water.

However, it should be noted that anywhere information exists, regardless of where it is, the fabric of time-space has to stretch towards is so as to accommodate it (the slack taken up by information, that is) by giving it slack. Think of mass-energy as knotting up the fabric of space-time like massive “balls of yarn”. This “slack” is given to it by the Plank length “waves” of “dark energy” that stretch and flatten so as to “accommodate” the “information” or “mass-energy” moving through its area. If dark energy didn’t exist, then the fabric of time-space would have been too tight to accommodate it.

The same thing would happen in parallel universes, a phenomenon that would reveal itself as gravitational lensing in our universe with no apparent “object” or “mass” or “mass-energy” inside of its event horizon.

It must be mentioned that the concepts of general relativity viewed through the lens of quantum mechanics, or the study of wave functions at the plank length have proven to be considerably difficult.

That being said, my thanks go to Leonard Susskind of Stanford University for providing us with string theory. To say that string theory provides us with a framework through which to join GR and QM is an understatement at best. You gotta love mathematicians.

But this a layman’s guide to understanding gravity, so well skip the QM lecture and get straight to the point.

So lets put this all together. But first, I need you to do something. I need to you clear your head of one viral concept that has pervaded human thinking since Newton. Even Einstein fell for it, but from Saturday, April 14th, 2012 onward we are going to come to a startling new conclusion.

Gravity is NOT a force of attraction. The thought and teaching that gravitation is a force of attraction has hinder human understanding of this force for hundreds and possibly even thousands of years now.

So let’s go ahead and (e)ffect a paradigm shift in our understanding.

Rather than being a force of attraction, gravity is actually a force of propulsion (or repulsion) in that it is “a resulting property of time-space as a function an imbalance (of sorts) in the density of dark energy” between two points in the time-space fabric.

What does this mean? Simple. It means that if a massive body exists at any point within the space-time fabric, then any small body of mass will be pushed along from areas of higher dark energy density to lower dark energy density. Since massive objects “selfishly” hold on to the “slack” given to them by dark energy available in the fabric of time-space, one will find that immediately surrounding the “massive object” there will be a sphere of increasingly low amplitude and frequency dark-energy-time-space resulting in the aforementioned movement of the smaller object towards the larger one. That is gravity.

Back to the analogy of waves moving through the sea. Imagine you are in a small raft with no paddles in the middle of the sea. In simple terms you will just sit there bobbing in the waves and perhaps drift a little due to currents or winds that gently blow you around.

Now image that you drift close to a small tropical island. What happens? The waves change in their size and shape and begin to have an immediately noticeable change in the way that they affect you raft.

Once you get close enough to the island, the waves (instead of bobbing you up and down) actually push you toward the shore. In many ways, gravity is dark energy working very much like waves of the sea.

Remember how we said that “dark energy” or the “Higgs field” or the fundamental unit of “dark energy” or the “Higgs Boson” become stretched and flattened towards a massive body when a massive body of wave function information enters its area? This stretching and flattening reveals itself in two ways: amplitude modulation and frequency modulation as such:

There are two event horizons depending on the amount of mass creating the “dark energy/Higgs field” imbalance and resulting change in amplitude and frequency of the “dark energy” itself. The first is the one we are all familiar with and that is the boundary of the gravitational force itself which, for all we currently know, is infinite in distance. The inner event horizon, if there is enough mass to result in the formation of a “black hole”, will result in an amplitude and frequency that will actually trap visible electromagnetic radiation.

Everyone teaches that this is a function of “escape velocity”. Rather, it is a function of “dark-energy-amplitude-and-frequency”.

So what does this all mean? It means that dark energy pushes objects in areas of “high-dark-energy-density” to areas of “low-dark-energy-density” much like air from areas of high barometric pressure pushes into areas of low barometric pressure. Or, perhaps a better way to put it would be to say: Gravity is the force that “naturally” pushes mass-energy phenomena from areas of “high-amplitude-high-frequency-dark-energy” to areas of “low-amplitude-low-frequency-dark-energy”, the fundamental unit of which is the Higgs Boson. Its as simple as that. Its a good thing too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to sit here and read this and the oxygen that you are breathing would float off into outer space-time.

So does this mean that we can get those anti-gravity cars promised in all of those “Popular Mechanics” magazines?

Not necessarily. We first have to prove the existence of the “fundamental unit of dark energy” (commonly referred to as the Higgs Boson in the media). Happening now.

Once we do that, then we need to figure out how to generate an “anti-dark-energy” field.

This type of energy field will be challenging, because it will have to dynamically match both the amplitude and frequency of stretched dark energy at an angle exactly perpendicular to the “origin-al plane” so as to cancel it out (which will also be a function of the distance from the origin) at the Plank length of our specific universe.

The problem is that we only know about the Plank length mathematically. Currently, we are far from being able to manipulate time-space at that level.

This is going to be a tough egg to crack and when/if we finally do, it will only be for our universe.

However, once we figure out how to do it here, in this universe, applying it to any “same origin” parallel universe will simply require a multiplier.

So in short: First we have to verify that this is what gravity really is, then we have to transpose our information to a parallel universe of a plank length several orders of magnitude greater than ours, then we can travel faster than light. Then we would be getting somewhere.

Remember, ALL of this hinges on our ability to manipulate the fabric of time-space at the Plank^x length. And this will require a lot of energy and a lot of control. Think: LHC.

There are no ideas about how to do this yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the secret to all of this will be found in the nodes of time-space, not the fabric’s strings. Unfortunately, at the current time, there is no research focusing on the nodes of time-space that I am aware of.

Thanks for reading and welcome to the “real” reality and no, this is not science fiction, this is as “real as it gets.

Mark T H

Here is a link to the PDF with poorly drawn illustrations:

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Capital Management 101: Items About Risk to Learn


Some investors think the word “risk” is unpleasant. Others believe it is something to be avoided altogether. Nevertheless, in the business arena, risk is unavoidable, inseparable from functionality, and just necessary.

Risk is commonly identified in investment jargon as “a deviation because of an expected outcome”. This deviation could possibly be good or bad and reinforces the notion of “no pain, no gain” often necessary to to be successful in business. To obtain higher returns as time passes by, you have to gamble with short-term uncertainties. The amount of anxiety will depend on your company’s capability for risk patience.

Risk and Way of Thinking

The notion of behavioral finance exhibited the asymmetry between how investors feel about gains and losses. It revealed that investors exhibit loss aversion. This means they put more weight about the pain linked to loss compared to the good feeling that comes from a gain. Thus, what investors really want to know for sure is not just just how much an asset deviates from its expected outcome, but how undesirable things could get. Having the response for this inquiry allows them to be a bit more liberal to risks.

Value at Risk

Value at Risk (VaR) is regarded as a variable that endeavors to answer this question. VaR quantifies how bad a loss regarding an investment can get within a specific length of time. The company’s level of confidence is also present in the quantification process. One of a VaR statement might go just like this: “We are 90% certain the most you might lose while having a one-year, $500 investment will be $50,”

However, making use of VaR doesn’t guarantee that things won’t get any worse. Continuously, certain investment miscalculations, similar to the very public Long Term Capital fiasco in 1998, remind investors that unforeseen events may take place. Without using the proper asset management Chicago firms can provide a venture, risk application techniques could get severely out of control.

Getting Assistance in Understanding Risk

Most businesses have no understanding of the risk needed for managing capital. They could contain an assets register and start making some effort to comprehend utilization of assets and consider this as risk. This only highlights on account that an establishment demands capital management Chicago companies can supply to grasp risk and know just the way it might be properly managed.

A firm understanding of risk within its many forms should help investors better be aware of the costs, opportunities, and trade-offs associated with different investment techniques. Chicago asset management firms can be of great support in this area. Read more about capital management at

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Accounting Services Will Ensure You Adhere To Tax Laws


One of the more important business accounting services CPAs offer to small businesses is the timely completion of payroll accounting services. These business accounting services are crucial to a small business’s success because they help small business owners pay their employees in a timely manner. To see what we mean, here is a summary of the most important payroll accounting services that many CPAs provide to small companies.

Most CPAs offer paycheck and direct deposit services

CPAs provide a complete set of small business bookkeeping services that help small businesses create and distribute paychecks quickly. For example, CPAs help business owners create payroll checks which include information about deductions, current earnings and year-to-date salary information. Additionally, CPAs also help to setup direct bank deposits for workers earnings, meaning that they get their pay directly into a chosen bank account. Many small businesses use a mixture of these services to manage their employees’ payroll needs because most CPAs provide these services as a part of an overall payroll package meant to satisfy all the company employees payroll needs.

CPAs provide small business bookkeeping services to help keep track of taxes and deductions.

These types of services include the calculation of payroll taxes that help small businesses take the guesswork out of paying and depositing payroll taxes. Some bookkeeping services include payroll tax return preparation services that help small businesses conform to state and federal payroll tax reporting laws. One of the greatest things about these types of services is the business has complete control on what is included in the service package.

Moreover, CPAs help small businesses provide yearly W-2 forms for employees.

CPAs offer small business accounting services that help small businesses provide W-2 forms to their employees on time. These services include recording tax deductions and W-2 form distribution services, that ensure workers get their W-2 forms when they’re due. Many small businesses count on CPAs to provide these services because they help small businesses comply with state and federal tax laws.

As we discussed, CPAs provide many useful payroll accounting services.

These services help small businesses take the guesswork out of managing employee payrolls because CPAs use accounting techniques that help small businesses comply with state and federal tax laws. Because of this it isn’t hard to see the reasons why businesses trust CPAs to supply the small business booking services needed to manage their firm’s payroll needs efficiently.

Use our tax refund tracker links to check the status of your Federal tax refund or your Utah Tax return. Klingler & Associates, Salt Lake City Utah tax experts. Certified Public Accountants

View the original article here

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hot Godaddy Coupon for May 25th 2012

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Lessons I Learned About Network Marketing Advertising


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A few years back, I entered into this kind of popular home based business here in America without any knowledge of network marketing advertising. When I joined my first network marketing company, I was so excited hoping that I was going to earn lots of money easily. Yeah, right!!! That was when I got a chance to attend the first Regional conference in a 5-star hotel! Wow! big time! It was full-packed, lots of presentations, and the top performers were recognized and awarded like celebrities. Everybody was clapping and cheering for the top performers! Actually, I felt some kind of being jealous and I told myself, on the next conference, I will be going up that stage also. I was so full of enthusiasm and dreams (was already thinking of my dream charity project) on my way back home.

Network Marketing Advertising Mistakes

I followed every single little instruction that my upline told me. And that was how I implemented my network marketing advertising strategy. I listed down all my friends, family, relatives of relatives, friends of friends and the list went  on and on. I called them, went to their houses, sent them emails, sent them some brochures ( spent some money already to reproduce those brochures) all about the products, the company and compensation plan of course! After a few months, I began questioning myself! “Do they still like me? Did I do something wrong to them? Why after those efforts, nobody even tried to join me?” At least, two people in my list purchased my products and one signed up and stayed for a while- a little consolation though. Oh my God! My auto-ship is accumulating and not having any profit at all! Anyone out there who can relate to me?

I did not realize before that I could use the internet in my network marketing advertising. The only thing I remembered from my upline and those leaders who spoke during the conference was: this business opportunity is a relationship based marketing and you always go/talk to your list about this opportunity. I did that! But it did not work! My solution? I quit!

But before I knew it, I was already involved again in another network marketing company because I needed their product for my skin problem. So since I became a regular user of  their products, I decided to pursue it as my part-time business. But this time, I did not follow what they asked me to do – a long list again?! Excuse me! It did not work for me and I don’t want to waste my time and money anymore. And most of all, I hate cold callings and chasing down people again. I can’t do that to my family and friends again.

Yes, I still have my old list but this time I didn’t want to use it. Instead, I went to search online and learned so many things about network marketing advertising. I haven‘t felt this dumb before! Why did I not use the internet for my network marketing advertising? Oh Duh!?

When I found out about online strategies in network marketing advertising, I realized what I was doing wrong in my approach before – “which was always pitching about my products and compensation plan as the best.” Well, that’s how I became successful in my pharmaceutical marketing career for 15 years.  Wrong  – network marketing is a diferent kind of marketing, period!                                                    Success in Network Marketing Advertising

I did some more  online research until I stumbled upon MLSP. You name every network marketing advertising strategy and MLSP has them all.  I used some free strategies first because I didn’t want to lose lots of money again.  But these free strategies are really  time consuming – it was so hard for me as I was juggling my time between my family, work, plus a lot of errands and chores. I did it for a while and took it as a preparatory stage for my future network marketing advertising strategies online.

I kept on experimenting to find out what it can do for me and my business.  Remember: advertising your products in the wrong place may very well cause more bad than good to your business.
I learned a lot from those free strategies and now I am ready to use some budget for the next.  I have to accept the fact that network marketing advertising costs money, yes, but how else are you going to get a business network going, or promote a product without it?

Network marketing advertising is an investment and the right strategy should be chosen wisely and monitored for effectiveness regularly. But be very careful, it is also an easy way to lose a lot of money with ineffective advertising!

Network marketing advertising is very crucial to your business’s success, just as if you were to have a high street shop. Unfortunately there are so many selections online, you are probably aware that there are already over 100 million web sites in existence, many billions of ad advertisements for every product under the sun, and unless you’ve got a product that’s completely unique, there’ll be masses of other enterprises with far more funds to spend than you do. Oh No! How can I compete with them?

If you haven’t already put aside a budget for your network marketing advertising you must do so immediately, and figure out realistically how much you are able to afford on a once per month basis and do not go over that amount. If you realize that your advertising in a certain area is bringing results, you can always raise your budget later on.

If you haven’t done any network marketing advertsing using the internet and have a tiny budget, there are numerous techniques of advertising for free online. A number of these are absolutely useless and others may bring you fabulous results. However when you find that a method you are using does not bring results, drop it and move on.

An ideal network marketing advertising that can surely help you to take your business to the next level is the one that can do the following for you and your business:

1. It should be bringing you a flood of leads
2. It is going to be a medium for you to advertise your service or product
3. It will be a technique for branding your company and growing brand awareness
4. It should be a way for you to effectively and potentially close sales.

Word-of-mouth is by far the cheapest and most effective free advertising, if you can create a buzz about your product it can be seriously lucrative, how you’d do this will rely on you. Unfortunately, it did not work for me as I was starting a new life here in America.

Don’t expect to go on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites and make one or two posts saying your brand is the best, or buy one of these, because you’ll be un-Tweeted and ignored or you will be spammed.

Nor should you post on Twitter every few minutes ; you need to put up a following before even discussing what you are providing. You wouldn’t do it at a cocktail party, so do not do it on social media sites, blogs or forums either.

Just like a party where nearly everyone seems to be a stranger to you, you must build relations and trust before you try and pitch your product.

You may also need to depend on others to offer you referrals, and again, this comes thru social interaction, both offline and online.

It is essential you build a relationship with that person first. Leads are valuable, and no one is going to reach in his pocket if he does not know anything about you!

Direct mail programs are pretty much old hat nowadays, but still work best if you’re a local bricks and mortar enterprise or service, then direct mail is extremely effective.

What a lot of small business owners don’t understand though, is list building; a lot of info can be gathered from direct mailing, although it has got a very poor response number and is expensive.
There’s a lot of psychology in selling and if you do not know the basics of network marketing advertising, maybe you want to find out more about it?                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP)  is one of the most reliable marketing systems to have come on the market recently.  This is where I learned about Success in Network Marketing Advertisingnetwork marketing advertising -” how to do it right.” It gives you handy information on all aspects of network marketing, so that you can generate pre-qualified leads effectively, and it also covers network marketing advertising.  It is written in a way that newbies  as well as  those struggling network marketers can understand.   

If Your Upline is Still Using the Old School that Doesn’t Work for You,

What You Need is A Real Step by Step Formula

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in Your Network Marketing Advertising.

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Thank You for taking the time to read this article.
Be sure to always check out this blog; for more Success Tips for your online network marketing business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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Tagged as: direct sales advertising, home based business advertising, internet marketing advertising, network marketing advertising ideas, network marketing advetising

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Why Join Nerium International?


If you haven’t made up your mind yet whether to join Nerium International or not, or still thinking if this company will last , or if you are already a Nerium Brand Partner and really would like to be successful in  network marketing, then read further….

"Nerium International"
Nerium International is turning  7 months old on March 29, 2012.  The company’s headquarters is in Addison, Texas. Nerium International partnered with Nerium Skincare Inc. (a subsidiary of Nerium Biotechnology) and launched their exclusive licensing partnership with the main goal of building a global brand through the development and distribution of breakthrough products in the anti-aging skincare market. Their flagship product and the first of its kind is NeriumAD age-defying night cream that was launched last year. While testing the uses of nerium oleander molecule on some health problems such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and skin cancer, Nerium Biotechnology, Inc. made an amazing accidental discovery: that Nerium oleander has unique qualities that produce remarkable age-defying results when applied to the skin. So, they did a third-party clinical trials utilizing the services of ST&T which is one of the best facilities in the world using the world’s most advanced face scanning techniques. The results show that NeriumAD Age Defying Treatment dramatically reduces (10-60 + percent) the appearance of the following: fine lines and wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, uneven skin texture, enlarged pores, and aging or sun-damaged skin. In the near future, they will be launching their other breakthrough anti-aging products such as: eye cream, age-spot cream, blemish cream, and many more…

1. NeriumAD is an accidental breakthrough product of biotechnology research. A lot of accidental discoveries made a lot of people enjoy a lifetime success and wealth.

2. Hundreds of great testimonials have been pouring into the company already since customers started using NeriumAD to treat different skin problems in just a short period of time (even after one week only).

3. NeriumAD is the “first of its kind” in the anti-aging market. The amount of sales being generated by direct sales industry is around $125 billion. In the category of beauty, skincare is leading, and in the category of skincare, anti-aging is on top. This product is in its best place here.

4. Mr. Don Smothers, CEO of Nature Tech, who has formulated thousands of products in his 40+ years in manufacturing says he has never seen a product that delivers results as quickly and as effectively as NeriumAD. Also the medical director of a multibillion dollar pharmaceutical company said that the dermal applications of Nerium alone have the potential to be worth their entire product pipeline.

5. The company is only a few months old but looks like a polished ten-year old company already because they have a topnotch management team and a topnotch scientific team. Nerium International headed by Jeff Olson, who is a highly respected leader and a powerhouse in the industry, has an exclusive partnership with Nerium Skincare, Inc., so the company has an exclusive control from the seed to the bottle and the company markets breakthrough products validated by real science.

6. Nerium International has a global expansion plan in 31 countries.

7. Nerium International is the youngest company to be featured in the Success from Home Magazine (January 2012 issue).

8. Nerium International has a very lucrative compensation plan. The distributors can earn residual income up to ten levels deep with an increasing commission depending on their rank. They can earn great rewards such as a Lexus car bonus and other trips. Most of all, an active distributor can qualify for a promoters’ pool which is a share from the 2% of company’s global sales for life.

Those factors mentioned above make Nerium International a solid opportunity to join. But no matter how great is the product and the company as well as its business model, what matters most is how you market it successfully. What will really make a great impact on your Nerium business is your ability to sponsor more distributors into your team so you can make more residual income. In order for to you sponsor more people for your Nerium International business, you need the most effective   marketing techniques, tactics and resources we use to generate hundreds of prospects, paying customers and new distributors, establish a personal branding for yourself and you will be on your way to success.  You can always combine internet marketing stategies with your offline marketing with Nerium to generate more leads.  But in order for you to generate your own quality leads for your own Nerium International network marketing business, you need a poweful marketing system in place.  A powerful marketing system can help you brand yourself as a leader, help you in your list bulding, lead generation and conversion strategies and build a strong and long lasting Nerium International business for you.

"Nerium International"

Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Be sure to always check out this site,  for more Success Tips from the Top Earners for your Online Network Marketing Business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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Auto Unfollow Twitter Who Unfollow You Back


Unfollow Twitter

I’m sure you already familiar with Twitter and most probably you already have an account set-up. Nonetheless, just a short refresher here – Twitter is a micro blogging website wherein in your posts are dubbed as tweets (cute, huh?) and you can follow people that you like and unfollow them too. You can also re-tweet the posts of other people and comment on them as well. It has also the capacity to calculate trending topics of the day thru the “hash tag method”.

Twitter is real time and very interactive and as one of the leading social networking sites, there’s no doubt that Twitter has immense power to influence; hence, making it an effective and efficient online marketing tool.

Surely, Twitter can increase traffic in your website or blog especially when used the right way. One sure way to increase traffic is thru the art of re-tweeting (RT)– this is when people tweet your tweets. Here are some tips to ensure that your tweets are re-tweetable:
Carefully craft your tweets – make sure that your message is short, clear, appealing and relevant.
Get the right audience – ensure that the people that you follow and your followers are your correct target market.
Use relevant hash tags – use hash tags that are beneficial to you and your product.
Avoid hard selling – periodic promotional tweets are fine.

On the other hand, it is also important not to clog your Twitter account with too much people that you follow because you might appear as a spammer. That’s why, it is wise to un-follow people who do not follow you back. This is beneficial to you and your business.

There are several ways to unfollow. First, is to manually do it in your tweeter account. Just simply choose the person or entity then click unfollow. But this way is time consuming and really hard to find who unfollow you.

Another way is auto unfollow twitter, these are web application especially designed to unfollow people in Twitter. This is good if you are going to unclog your account. Here are some of the applications:
Karma –
TwitterFriendKiller –
Tweetelity –
MutualityTwitter –
Untweeps –

Twitter is a great and powerful tool. Use it wisely. Use it responsible and use it appropriately. In doing so, it will definitely bring in the results that you desire. Happy Tweeting!

Please follow us on Twitter @

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Things To Consider When Choosing Which Network Marketing Company To Join


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Do you know that there are eighty network marketing companies going strong today? Based on Nexera ranking, the following are the Top 15 Network Marketing Companies as of March 31, 2012.
1. Amway
2. Melaleuca
3. Nu Skin
5. Isagenix
6. Forever Living
7. Herbalife
8. ACN
9. Advocare
10. 4Life
11. Xango
12. Legal Shield (PPL)
13. Tahitian Noni
14. 5LINX
15. Nature’s Sunshine

Is there something in common you noticed about these network marketing companies? Except for Xango who just turned 10 years old this year, all the rest have been existing and going strong for more than 10 years. Did you also notice that majority of them have “evergreen” and health-related products?
Having a look at this list should give you a concept about the products that work in the M.L.M model if you are thinking about joining an MLM or any network marketing companythat you know of.  Evergreen and helth-related products are the goods that were in demand when these network marketing companies started, and will continue to be in demand in fifty years time.

If you have seen a network marketing marketing company that you are considering joining but their products don’t fall under this “evergreen” or “health-related” heading, you really should think twice. Things that are preferred today can become quickly obsolete. Electronics as an example, are obsolete in a matter of months. Mlm has been proven only to work well with the sorts of companies we have listed above.

Other products that will never go out of fashion and will have great demand in the next 10-15 years are kitchen equipment, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, storage products, vitamins and health-related products.  Other strong  network marketing  companies in these categories are Mary Kay, Avon and Pampered Chef, Synergy,  and Juice Plus.

Strong Leadership: The integrity and reputation of the network marketing companies’ leadership team is critical.

Training Programs: The network marketing company that you choose must have solid sales and marketing programs for you to use, and all the tools available for you and your down-line to achieve success.

A Coaching Program: a one-on-one mentorship programme is invaluable for you to further your business; these programs go beyond the sales, marketing and training aspects of a network marketing company.

You may form a relationship in time with your coach, and it should be someone that is successful and also an individual whom you like and trust – she will enjoy helping you improve.

Are you thinking about joining any network marketing company? The best advise is to join one of these proven network marketing companies which have been around for some years.  Thousands of other network marketing companies have disappeared in the last few years.  If this is your first endeavour just be very careful, take time to do your own research about the network marketing company that you would like to join so you have an informed decision.

Any idea how many million people globally are in network marketing companies? It’s hard to imagine –  there are more than 60 million network marketers worldwide at any particular time. Granted, most of them aren’t making any money but they continue to believe there is good money in MLM. So what is the secret ingredient?

A solid network marketing company will provide excellent coaching and support. Once you have a firm grip on what  it takes to build a solid network marketing business for yourself, it is going to be simple for you to succeed with any MLM company.  But the main Best "Network Marketing Company"secret these days is how you can  attract prospects automatically and sign them up as distributors under your team.  I am not talking about cold callings here or chasing down your friends and family. In this regard, we highly recommend the MLSP system, a proven marketing platform that has been helping a lot of marketers in most network marketing companies. 

Whether You are Just Starting Your Own Network Marketing Business

or Already Have One, You Need MLSP Attraction Marketing System

to Attract More Leads and Get More Sign-Ups Without

The Pains and Frustrations of Cold Callings.

CLICK HERE for More Details….

 Thank You for spending some time to read this article.
Be sure to always check out this blog: for more Success Tips for your online network marketing business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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12 Success Tips For Any Affiliate Marketing Business


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Wikipedia defines affiliate marketing as a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. In our own words, it is selling someone else’s products and receiving commissions for your reference. In this article you will discover a new internet marketing system or business model that you can use right away in your affiliate marketing and then later on transform yourself into a successful professional marketer having your own affiliates selling your products and enjoy good income.

Affiliate marketing is one of the top popular ways to make money online. In affiliate marketing business you only need a tiny investment because you don’t need to research and develop your own products and spend thousands of dollars testing and tweaking if people will like and buy them. By being an affiliate marketer, you just have to promote and sell other merchants’ products. Because of the domino effect of the economic downturn in the past few years, more and more people are searching online everyday trying to find some ways to make extra income or even a full-time and long term income to secure their future. The good news is: there is no recession on the internet and this makes affiliate marketing business a very popular way specially for the newbies to start their own online business.

The competition on the internet in affiliate marketing business is very tough and anyone who would like to get serious in this business should have a strong solid foundation of the right marketing skills. Educating yourself on the right marketing strategies should be a part of your daily routine. There are so many ups and downs in this business but that’s how you will learn and get better and stronger in your internet affiliate marketing journey. Your success also depends on how you understand and integrate the following critical factors into your online business.

1. Having a niche product that has a high demand not only for the present but also for the next five to ten years or more. Do you know what people are really looking for? Will there be enough hungry buyers for your products/ service in the coming years? Is the demand growing?

2. Target market. Do you know who your target market is? Do you have something of value to offer to them and how you can cater to their specific needs or problems?

3. Personal Branding. When you sign up as an affiliate in any affiliate marketing business, you are assigned an affiliate ID that is attached to your link or a replicated website. But how do you distinguish yourself from your competitors? How do you create a personal branding so that people can identify you and come back to you? How do you make yourself attractive to them?

4. Traffic generation. A great product with a fancy replicated website from a great company with a great compensation is useless if you lack the skills on how to generate traffic or leads online. This is one of the obstacles in affiliate marketing business.

5. List building. While you are generating traffic, you should have a system in place for your list building. Here is where attraction marketing plays a very important role. You don’t pitch your products to your prospects. You offer them something of value by providing good content and offer free gift so that they will opt in and you will be able to collect their names, email address and even telephone numbers in some cases. This is now the database of your interested prospects and potential customers for your affiliate marketing business.                    Affiliate Marketing Business                                                                 

6. Conversion. In internet marketing like affiliate marketing, conversion is the process of turning a visitor into a lead and then a lead into a customer. Do you know that expert marketers focus the majority of their time and efforts in conversion?    

They hire the best designers, the best copywriters and marketing professionals and invest a lot in testing and tweaking the best conversion strategy or ad copy. There is now a powerful network marketing system that has already done this job for you. You don’t have to worry about your capture pages here with this system as the founders have already done an excellent job on high converting sales funnels and funded proposals that you can use. Focusing and increasing in your conversion can make your profits multiply.

10. Consistent Training on the right marketing skills, positive mindset and personality/leadership development. These are all very important as you are becoming a leader also in this industry while you are growing your business.

11. Community of Successful Industry Leaders. Based on my experience, it makes a big difference for any internet network marketer or anyone in an affiliate marketing business to be surrounded by successful leaders who can show the right direction or their marketing blueprint for you to follow so you can also achieve the kind of success that you desire.

12. It is always best to have multiple products or multiple streams of income in your online marketing platform. This is just for your protection in case something happens to any of your affiliate products (or companies), your business will not be dead in water.

There is a niche marketing system or a business model which is still an untapped market (only around 10% of network marketers know about this) and this is their secret in achieving phenomenal success in internet network marketing and affiliate marketing business. You don’t have to research on what products to sell as this system has also a lot of niche products for you to promote for your multiple streams of income. You will have hundreds of hours of virtual trainings on all the critical factors mentioned above. These are all based on the principles of attraction marketing which means making prospects come to you instead of you chasing them down. If you want to have a long term success in your affiliate marketing or any internet network marketing business, having this kind of marketing platform is highly recommended. Everything you need in your internet marketing is here. If you want to see how it works, all you have to do is sign-up($9.97 for a 2-week trial period, then $49.95 monthly), be a good student or a follower ( all top performers will teach you their very same techniques), focus on 1-2 strategies first, implement, share and teach others how to do it too. You can cancel anytime if you think this is not for you.  This is the same system that has helped me in so many ways to achieve success in my network marketing and affiliate marketing business.  Enjoy and invest more on your training/education and you will be successful for long term in your affiliate marketing business.

Here is a niche and a proven marketing platform for both network marketing and affiliate marketing business combined that can surely help you attract highly qualified leads and buying customers. Click here for more details.

Thank You for spending some time to read this article.
Be sure to always check out this blog: for more Success Tips for your online network marketing business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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Friday, May 18, 2012

TweetAdder – Still The Top Twitter Marketing Software These Days?


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TweetAdder is considered by many as the top Twitter marketing software for obtaining targeted results fast, whether one is a seasoned Twitter marketer looking to sell his affiliate merchandise, or is a small, intermediate or even large sized enterprise looking to stir interest in the company. Though there is a growing competition coming from a number of the other well-liked Twitter marketing programs, many people still turn to this software. But could it still be regarded as “one of the best” when compared with newer Twitter marketing software products?
If one has been in the sphere of Twitter marketing for some time now, he would recognize the fact that there’s no better Twitter software than TweetAdder. It provides an individual with the capacity to locate targeted users by means of their location, interests & even what they’ve been tweeting about in the hope that they’ll follow him and his tweets. Tweets, which should provide them with something they have been wanting or needing to hear/know about. It also provides them with the capability to automatically send out tweets and messages to users as soon as they follow the person or if a specific user mentions particular keywords or phrases that they are targeting. For instance, if a user writes/tweets about ‘hair transplant’ and one has programmed the software to act in response to such words or phrases, it would do that automatically. It really is good for marketing an individual’s or company’s merchandise or affiliate offers or network marketing business.

The one issue that most people would have with TweetAdder  would be the lack of interactivity. But this could be easily resolved. Programs like MarketMeSuite and an even bigger competition for TweetAdder would be Tweet Whistle. These programs are able to provide interactivity through the use of tweet timelines, exclusive message areas and the capability to append columns with essentially anything an individual wants, including what people are tweeting about him and tweets regarding particular keywords.
MarketMeSuite also provides the automatic tweeting feature which people find really useful. However, it does not have the features that TweetAdder can offer when it comes to following users on a larger scale. It could do something similar, just not in the manner which TweetAdder does. It locates users for a marketer based upon his specifications, adds them to a list and then follows them discreetly so as to avoid Twitter becoming suspicious of his activities.

If you are not using TweetAdder or any other Twitter marketing software, the best thing you can do is:  follow a maximum of 150 individuals a day. There is nothing wrong with following lots of individuals at once, though in some cases, Twitter sees this as abuse. So, stick with about 150.
Ultimately, it is all about what one wants and needs. If a person is running a small enterprise and want to interact with his followers and gain some more eventually, MarketMeSuite might be the best option to use but then again, if one’s looking at locating individuals on a much bigger scale, then TweetAdder is certainly the Twitter marketing software for him and his online business. Needless to say, there’s simply no other Twitter marketing software out there at the moment that could really compete with the overall functionality that TweetAdder has.

Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Be sure to always check out this site, for more Success Tips for your Online Network Marketing Business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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Great Tips To Achieve a Real Success in Internet Network Marketing


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There are actually are no great secrets to achieving success  in  internet  network marketing, if you can come to grips with the five most critical aspects below, then you’ll be well on the way to success.

  How hard you’re ready to work  The company you chose  to work for  How generous you are  Which  marketing tools you use,  and The  marketing systems you apply

These are really proven steps in achieving internet network marketing success.  Sounds fairly easy now does it not? It actually can be, if you start out using the right system. Network marketing is not about how to make you rich overnight, that’s impossible. Creating leads is the way to success, any cold leads just won’t do, you will need to generate highly qualified leads from people who have expressed an interest in your product. If you are truly serious and have an entrepreneurial spirit, you’re probably already working every hour of the day to get leads, and finding yet other ways to generate leads. You are lucky and have already found here an internet network marketing proven system to generate those leads.

The company you work for clearly has to be rock solid with great training programs, promotional aids which will help you promote the product and very importantly, a good leadership team. As with any business, if the company does not have solid leadership, it will doubtless fail.

Examine the leadership behind the company, and you will see the most successful MLM businesses have a great leadership team.

The 3rd heading, (how generous you are), could have you scratching your head, but marketing has traditionally been about providing solutions to people’s problems, whether they are looking for a new television or desire something to cure itchy skin. The key is for you to form a relationship with that person, find what their problem is and offer an answer to decipher that problem and this starts by giving advice and offering your expert information on the subject. This is how old school face to face off-line marketing used to work and it is happening online today. It’s taking place more in internet network marketing, because it works. It’s called attraction marketing. It is very critical to understand first the  principles of  attraction marketing in order for you to achieve a real long-term success in internet network marketing business.

Internet marketing tools are also important, especially when you are trying to save some time. The old school techniques of chasing friends and family are gone in MLM, if the company suggests you do that immediately, get a clue and move on. The best tools you can ever get from an MLM or network marketing company will be training and up-to-date promotional materials to help you in your business, initially you could be handed a few leads from your up line too. Unfortunately after that it will be up to you to generate your own leads, and if you do not know how to generate quality leads, then you’ll be on your own. It is a miserable fact in network  marketing.

Is there really a system for making unstoppable internet network marketing success? Yes, these systems include ways to make sales and effective marketing methods.

You’ve got to learn both the art and the science of generating qualified leads, and working on a way of making a repeated flow of prospects, each and every day.

It is obvious. No business can earn money if it does not have buyers, or the expectation of getting new prospects or customers. The level to which you rise with your network marketing business will be totally up to you. And that’s the actual facts in network marketing.

There are countless hundreds of courses, free e-books, downloads and folks who will claim that they can help you with your quest for network marketing success. There are not many of us that have never subscribed to one of those courses, or signed up for an eBook, but the ensuing bombardment of e-mails only confuses, wastes time and aren’t they mostly asking for cash for something?

If you do need some help getting qualified leads there is just one proven course right now that will help you and has stood the test of time, it’s called MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP). This is the best-kept secret of the world’s top producers in internet network marketing.  They supply each tool you will need, many of which are customizable to fit you and your business and they will help you generate as many leads as you need each day. The great thing about this proven internet network marketing system, MLM Lead System Pro is you can start earning money right at the start, so that you can offset any expenses.

It offers the best solution for you to start with your business, and this information can be passed to your team and it truly doesn’t signify where you’re at in your network marketing business.  MLSP will give you the right direction and step by step formula to be successful in your internet network marketing business and it helps you to become a professional marketer and a valuable leader too while you are building your business for a long-term.

Thank You for spending some time to read this article.
Be sure to always check out this blog for more Top Earners’ Success Tips for your online network marketing business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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Endless Leads From A Proven MLM Lead Generation Process – No Clues Yet?


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Leads are the name of the game for building any kind of business both online and offline so having a good MLM lead generation process is critical to the eventual success of your business. However, not all lead generation processes are equal in quality. A lower quality MLM lead generation process can end up costing a business far more than it may appear to at the beginning.
For example, if the MLM leads being generated aren’t correctly qualified during the process of promoting, the company will have wasted money and time on disinterested and unqualified clients.
The advertising response rate plunges, and the company’s revenue decreases, which is a pattern that may eventually produce cataclysmic results.
Lead generation is going to be something you have got to do every day and you have to learn how to generate quality MLM leads  effectively . Offline you may spend lots of hours meeting prospects and driving to and from appointments and making calls. If one of your methods of prospecting is gathering paper via forms and fliers, all this information needs to be translated and transcribed into a database. Further information in the form of leaflets must be mailed and then there’s the qualifying process that must definitely be gone thru, adding more expense and time. Back office staff in the sales department then has to process the lead through to ( hopefully ) a successful closing.

Generating MLM leads online is no less complex and labor-intensive, and if you have operated an online Multi-Level Marketing business for any length of time you are probably nodding in harmony. Okay you do have an audience of millions when you market online, but that means that qualifying process is even more important and it’s much harder because few people really know you from a hole in the ground.
Any business takes money and time to get it off the ground, the more money you can invest in your business, glaringly, the more that you can spend on hiring folks to do the lengthy jobs, or to do the things you can not do. You can also spend money on advertising which should bring in more leads.
If you have built your beautiful web site and you are following all the tried and tested methods of success, like adding articles regularly, answering emails promptly, employing auto-responders and having a prominent opt-in box, and you have built hundreds of backlinks thru article submissions, blogs and social media sites, why the hey aren’t you making any cash?
Too many folks in online marketing simply give up at this point and join the great majority of others who’ve failed. But there is no work! You may end up standing in line for a job behind folks that are much more experienced than you are.

Good luck with that. Even if you can find a credible company that may give you fresh, qualified MLM leads, you may pay through the nose for them, whether you convert them to sales or not. Your profits are quickly sliding away and you cannot raise the cost of your product, because then nobody will be interested.
What you want is a reliable MLM lead generation system that works, one that is straightforward to learn and one that keeps you in control of the entire process.
Your lead starts with you and ends with you when you close a deal. You need a marketing system that teaches you the latest methods of grabbing those targeted and qualified MLM leads, and will keep you up to date on the newest, innovative strategies for getting you thru the lead generation process simply, leaving you with more time to build and enhance your business.  A powerful system o f MLM  lead generation process is one that not only teaches you different proven and updated strategies to generate your own endless qualified MLM leads but also makes you a professional marketer and a valuable leader.

"MLM Lead Generation"

Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Be sure to always check out this site, for more Success Tips for your Online Network Marketing Business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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Is My Lead System Pro (MLSP) The World’s Best Network Marketing System?


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Why is  My Lead System Pro (MLSP) or MLM Lead System Pro popping everywhere and every time you search something on Google that pertains to network marketing? Is it really dominating the network marketing world? Why do they say that it is now the world’s best network marketing system? Is it just hype???

Before you proceed reading this article, let me ask you first if you are already generating around 100 leads a day for your mlm business or you if are already a 6-figure income earner,  because if you are, I don’t want you to waste your time reading this. It means you don’t need My Lead System Pro (MLSP).  But if you want to learn a lot of  proven and effective strategies on how to generate your own quality leads online (instead of buying deadbeat leads), this is what you need. MLM Lead System Pro or My Lead System Pro is not just having a downline or people under you without doing anything because this is not a magic pill that can make you a 6-figure income earner instantly. This is about building a real business for yourself with You as the brand plus your total transformation into a professional marketer and a valuable leader. Sounds good, right? Oh Yes – but let me tell you – this entails a lot of work. Want to know another truth about My Lead System Pro (MLSP)? It is not for lazy network marketers. If you are a serious network (mlm) marketer and is really committed to work MLSP out and put some time into it to build a strong online business, MLM Lead System Pro can really help you, that’s guaranteed. The only thing you need to do is to take action.  Still want to continue reading?

Do you know that when you go online and search for the keywords attraction marketing or network marketing (MLM) lead generation system  on Google, most of the search results also mention about My Lead System Pro (MLSP)?  Why? Because My Lead System Pro is attraction marketing and it is also the world’s most powerful tool for MLM lead generation. It is developed based on the principles of attraction marketing. All the network marketing strategies that MLM Lead System Pro is teaching are based on value-based sponsoring. Attraction marketing or value-based sponsoring is the revolutionary paradigm shift in network marketing business that will set yourself as a leader so you will become the hunted instead of the hunter and it will set you free from the pains and frustrations fromcold callings or chasing your friends and family.  People will call you to join your business not because of your product, company or compensation plan but because of You!  That’s the power of attraction marketing, and that’s also the power of MLM Lead System Pro or My lead System Pro as your network marketing tool for MLM lead generation online. The only thing you need to do is take action.

When I was listing down all the things that My Lead System Pro has done,  and still can do not only for me but also or my business, I was shocked – because every benefit just comes out automatically from my mind based on my MLSP experience and the list  is endless.  Here are just some of them and I believe these are also some of the reasons why MLM lead System Pro is considered the world’s best network marketing system.

MLSP is a training center. It is like a university for network marketers.       "MLSP" Total Transformation

MLSP is an awesome community of  the world’s topnotch leaders (who generate a minimum of 100 leads a day) in network marketing and they also give us  free training on the exact blueprint or the step by step guide how to do each strategy.

With MLSP, You can market or advertise even without or with a tiny budget and still rank first  page on Google.

MLSP is an authority site itself where you can post your articles for free if you don’t have a website yet and still rank first page on Google. This was how I started and the results are amazing!

MLSP provides free capture pages, sales funnels or funded proposals with specific effective messages that cater to each of your target market. You don’t have to worry about creating your own capture pages which is expensive and time-consuming.

MLSP allows the members to use the same ad copy that are so powerful and highly-converting.

MLSP teaches us how to lead with value not only offline but also online thru content marketing such as article marketing, blogging (like what I am doing here), video marketing, social media marketing, and a lot of other strategies.
MLSP teaches how to be a valuable leader and how to build a strong online business for long term not just a downline.

Even if you don’t have autoresponders yet, My Lead System Pro has already done the job for you while you are starting. It has 25+ professionally composed messages in the auto responders designed to get inside your prospects mind and subconsciously persuade them to take action.

MLSP has 200+ virtual training videos on the following marketing strategies:  SEO, Google PPC, Article Marketing, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging, YouTube, Traffic generation, lead generation, Conversion, Recruiting Tips or Sponsoring Tips, Backlinking, Personal Branding, and a lot more.

MLSP has regular Free Wednesday Webinars on different strategies and updates, and Free Thursday Prospecting Webinars plus a lot of bonus trainings.

MLSP has a lot of walk through training videos (from the top earners) on the different strategies that will teach you every step of the way.

MLSP has a lot of trainings also on leadership, positive mindset and personality development.

MLSP teaches which internet marketing tools can really help in your marketing including some training videos on how to use them and you can also sell them through their affiliate marketing system.

MLSP has a great 24/7 customer support.

MLSP has a wonderful affiliate marketing system also giving you multiple streams of income. This network marketing system allows you to earn a lot of commissions even if your prospects did not join your primary business. This is their top secret.

Well, my friend, the list goes on and on.  It was so easy for me to write this article and list these MLSP benefits because I don’t have to research. These are just based on my experience.  I haven’t even watched at least a quarter of their training videos at the back office. The question is not what My Lead System Pro can do for you. The real question now is: What can You do to make MLM Lead System Pro really work for your business? The answer is: Just take action, get one strategy that resonates with you, get focused on it, learn it, implement it, share it and teach it. Then rinse, repeat and be consistent. The earlier you start applying this system the earlier you will get your desired results.

To be honest with you, until now, I am still so overwhelmed with so much trainings at the back office. The technique here is to get focused on one strategy first until you are getting results and then you can add another strategy if you want.

Well, the truth is: it depends. Your results depends on how you are committed, how much work you put into it, how consistent you are and how a good follower you are. As I’ve mentioned above, My Lead System Pro gives us access to all the marketing blueprints of the world’s topnotch leaders in network marketing. Follow their blue print and you will not get lost in your journey to success. MLM Lead System Pro is the powerful wheel that runs the attraction marketing engine. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Those people using MLSP system and are earning 5-6 figure income got their desired results because they follow exactly what those leaders are teaching. They just added their own creativity in every strategy. And You can too!

The No.1 thing that I like about My lead System Pro is the integrity of the leaders specially those who developed it. They have helped a lot of network marketers and have built a lot of good leaders in this industry and they share every effective strategy that really works. They not only deliver what they promised but actually, they over deliver. I can’t find the right words to describe their integrity. Even my mentor, James Yancey is so amazing leader. There are so many rags to riches stories inside MLSP and they are all real leaders showing us their step by step process how they did it so we can follow too.
I had some bad experience with some marketing system before I joined MLM Lead System Pro that’s why I was hesitant whether to try this one or not. I am so glad and so grateful that I did. This is another thing that I like about MLSP: with their 14-day risk-free trial period for only $9.97, I had the chance to see and watch their trainings first so I had an informed decision whether to pursue it or not. Oh My God! The training at the back office is so huge and I got so hooked into it! With only $49.95 a month, I have an access to more than 200 virtual trainings on the industry’s cutting edge strategies in network marketing from the world’s top leaders and producers. These free trainings at the back office is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The thing that I regret : I wish I had discovered this system at least a year ago. Another thing that I like and I don’t like is that there is so much training but I don’t have enough time to listen or watch. So this is what I do now in order to catch up: whatever I am doing in the house whether I am cooking, cleaning, or in the bathroom, I am listening at the same time to their training videos playing online. If I am taking a walk or driving, I also use that time to listen to their trainings thru my cellphone, specially about positive mindset and leadership. It is through MLSP that I found my true identity and my passion. This is what makes me go to bed late and get up early in the morning to check my leads and my commissions and listen to their daily wake up calls – they call it positive mindset training.

Again, MLM Lead System Pro is a very powerful network marketing system to build your online business for long term but you really have to put work into it because it is not a magic bullet. My Lead System Pro gives you the right direction in whatever online business you have. MLSP can be the world’s most powerful marketing tool for you if you put work into it and it will really work for you.

For More Info About My Lead System PRO and the Marketing Blueprint of the World’s Top Leaders in Network Marketing Industry, Click here 


Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Be sure to always check out this site, for more Success Tips from the Top Earners for your Online Network Marketing Business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Tagged as: attraction marketing, mlm lead generation system, mlm lead system pro, MLSP, my lead system pro, network marketing system, online lead generation system

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Ways To Start An Internet Marketing Home Based Business


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If you are thinking of starting your own internet marketing home based business but you don’t have any idea on where and how to begin, you can get some tips from this post.  This is not only for the beginners but also for those of you who already have an online business and would like to find and connect the missing link in order to take your business to the next level.

Some of you maybe like in my situation before when I started getting tired of the corporate job. I was in a big corporate world (for 15 years) before and I thought I could stay there long until age 60. Oh No! I was wrong. A lot of big and not so good changes happened in the company that made me (and almost all of my co-workers) unhappy until I quit. I quit because that was not fair for me and for that company if I could not give my 100% commitment anymore because of being unhappy specially during the last year of my stay there.
Honestly, I didn’t realize the beauty and the benefits of having your own internet marketing home based business until I was already enjoying it – I mean both financial and time freedom and of course – the wonderful feeling of being your own boss.

Anyway… going back to our topic here… There are so many ways to start your own internet marketing home based business. 

1.  Having your own website and selling your own products and services or selling other people’s products through drop shipping (suppliers’/wholesalers’ products).  In my experience, this was so risky if you don’t know what you are doing and it was very time consuming because I was doing everything: website, all the research, customer service, shipping, and all the correspondence. Did I pursue it? Nope! Because it was not worth it. But I learned a lot.

2.  Affiliate Marketing. This one is so popular because it is so easy to start with it even if you don’t have a budget. Well, I did tried it for one time to gain more experience.  It’s really so easy to get started with it but making it successful is a different story.  You need also to invest a lot in training to learn the effective marketing strategies to make it successful.

3.  Information Marketing.  This has become so popular too specially with the ebooks, mp3’s and videos. The challenge in information marketing is that you need to make sure there is a good demand and you know your target market, and it should be a niche market also.

4.  Content Marketing.  A lot of internet marketers are amassing huge success in their internet network marketing home based business by focusing on content marketing which can be done in different ways such as the following:

   Article Marketing
Video Marketing (i.e., YouTube)
Having a large website containing valuable contents and information that can solve other people’s problems
Social Media Marketing

5.  Ebay – A lot of people started their internet marketing home based business through Ebay. Others have made it as a full-time job while others just preferred it as a side job for extra income.

6.  Membership Websites
7.  Freelancing and Other Services
8. Network Marketing. This is the element that an online business should have if you want the kind of leverage that creates true residual income and time freedom.

Whatever way you choose, always remember that there are two variables that play an important role in any internet marketing home based business.  These two variables are (1) Time and (2) Money (or budget).
If you don’t have enough budget to advertise online, you can use your time productively by learning and implementing free online marketing strategies. And you really need to put a lot of time and work into it so they will work for you too. On the other hand, if you have no time but you have some budget for your business, you can utilize outsourcing strategies.

But….whether you have time or money or both, do not ever attempt to start any internet marketing home based business until you understand these:

1.  Demand. What product or service are you going to sell? Have you done sufficient research if it has a high demand or if the demand for that product or service will be still increasing in the next 5-10 years?

2.  Target Market.  Do you know who is your target market? Does your target your target market have a positive trend in the coming years? Whether you are just starting or not, researching the right target market is very hard and challenging.

3.  Personal Branding.  The competition in  internet marketing is very tough. What ever method you choose ( such as affiliate marketing, network marketing, etc.) eventually you would want to build a brand for yourself online. You will need to invest in a lot of trainings to learn those marketing strategies that can help you in your personal branding.

4.  Traffic Generation.  This is one of the greatest challenges in internet marketing home based business. No matter how fancy is your website, if you are not generating enough traffic, it is useless. You will need to learn and apply a lot of marketing strategies not only on how to generate traffic but also on how to convert at least some of your traffic to leads, then leads to buying customers. 

5.  Building Your List and How to Take Care of Your List.  You will need to learn first the principles of attraction marketing and apply it to your internet marketing home based business so you can build your list for long-term business.

6.  Conversion Strategies.  Focusing on strategies that increase your conversion rates can make your profits multiply.

One sure way that can help you make money online while you are building your internet marketing business is having the right marketing system in place, like MLSP. This is the secret of the world’s top earners in affiliate marketing and network marketing or direct sales.

I hope you were able to get some ideas from this article.  Now you are on your way to start your own internet network marketing home based business.
If you are still confused and have no idea how to start it right to have your online home based business, watch this video or click the red banner below.  Or if you already have an existing internet network marketing home based business and would like to take it to the next level, find what’s the missing link in your business by clicking the banner below.

Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Be sure to always check out this site, for more Success Tips from the Top Earners for your Online Network Marketing Business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


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Getting Targeted Site Traffic Utilizing Unique Article Wizard


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Today, I am going to share with you some reasons why using a powerful article marketing software like Unique Article Wizard can be a very good investment tool for your internet marketing business.     "Unique Article Wizard" for "Targeted Site Traffic"

As soon as one set up his website or blog and filled it with appealing content, honed his specific product pitch and managed to integrate AdSense into the layout, one confronts the big question: How does a person get targeted site traffic? Take this one guy’s story for example. Back in 2008, he set up a blog site on how to join viewer participation TV shows. He thought he already knew how to obtain targeted site traffic. But boy was he wrong.

He submitted articles to article directories. He joined related forums and fan groups on MySpace and Facebook. He even made funny ads and put them on YouTube. He did everything he can, not just to get web traffic, but to obtain targeted site traffic. But as soon as he got up to ten to twenty thousand unique viewers each month, the site hit a plateau and simply couldn’t move to the next stage. So he began focusing on SEO – essentially doing “guess the search engine site algorithms”. That succeeded to some extent – until the algorithms varied and his page placements were cut in half. He was so discouraged. He will never be able to obtain enough targeted site traffic.
He got caught in the vicious cycle where he was working to market the site so hard and was not keeping up with the niche he assumed himself to be a specialist in. He was on MySpace and Facebook and YouTube chasing the mysterious chimera of viral advertising. Then he decided to look into Unique Article Wizard Besides, each time he entered “unique articles” in the search engines, searching for places he can spread the word about his website, Unique Article Wizard often popped up at the topmost of the lists. He wanted to accomplish things on his own, but he eventually swallowed his pride and checked it out.

He’s always known that obtaining unique articles for other websites was the secret to getting targeted site traffic, but the process was a bit slow Unique Article Wizard got the most laborious parts of the process done and completely automated them as well.
The method is easy and if done right, it performs like magic. One writes an article related to his niche. The article needs to be valuable and useful to his visitor. Remember: individuals visit websites that either offer them with a solution to their problem or entertain them in some way.
But what if one doesn’t have a talent for writing, Unique Article Wizard could also link him to websites where he could get articles written for him – cheap and effective when it comes to obtaining targeted site traffic.
Once a person has his articles ready, Unique Article Wizard shows him how to redraft it so search engine sites see the different adaptations as 3 unique articles. The coolest thing about Unique Article Wizardis its submission feature. People would typically spend hours getting their articles submitted to 40 to 50 websites. But with Unique Article Wizard, they’re submitted to 3,000 sites, blogs and e-zine publishers instantly! Needless to say, Unique Article Wizard not only saves you money but time and effort as well so you have more time to further grow your business, create more profits  and spend more quality time for your family.   
Unique Article Wizard - Join Now!

Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Be sure to always check out this site, for more Success Tips for your Online Network Marketing Business.


Lina von Frausing-Borch


Tel: 805-478-1109


Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Tagged as: article marketing, article marketing software, increase targeted site traffic, site traffic, targeted site traffic, targetted traffic, unique article wizard

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